have released a press release today to mark their 1st birthday, which was officially on 12th April. The metasearch engine was developed as a project by the students and graduate students at the psychology faculty of Moscow State University (MGU). They have been fairly successful, taking 0.3% of the search market and beating Yahoo! into 9th place.
As a metasearch engine they present results from all the leaders in the field, namely Yandex, Rambler, Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista and Aport, as well as their own results (which currently amounts to 1 terabyte of data) . The Nigma index will happily include English language sites but of course you would expect the search to be carried out in Russian.
Over the last year they have made many functional improvements including the development of a clustering engine, spell checker and the elimination of duplicate results in their SERPs.
Victor lavrenko, the leader of project said “We are grateful to our users, who constantly propose to us different improvements in our search mechanism…approximately half a year ago we started the work on a new search mechanism, which will bring back the search results in even more convenient form than is available with the current generation of search systems
In terms of market channels present contextual advertising from market leaders Yandex, as you can see here for the search term “веб дизайн” (web design).