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Analysis done by Google shows more people using the web than Television

The Study Concluded that the typical British computer user spends just over 160 minutes on the internet every day, compared with 148 minutes watching TV – that’s about 41 days spent online every year. Apart from sleeping and working this is more than any other activity done by the average Briton.

For more information check out the BBC web

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Kristjan Mar Hauksson

3 Responses to Analysis done by Google shows more people using the web than Television

  1. I’d be interested to see how this trend continued to develop compared to the initial release of mentioned article Kristjan.
    Personally, on average I spent ~30 minutes a day watching TV and ~12 hours a day *on average* on the internet. It is actually quite worrying if you think about it.

  2. Stefanie says:

    It’s about time – TV is too passive anyway.

  3. Phil Bradley says:

    This is great – except for the fact that the study referred to and the BBC article is almost ONE YEAR OLD.

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