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Blogging, taking Spain…and the world

In a recent study by Auna, eEspaña, mentioned in an earlier post, blogging received its share of attention in a special section entitled eSociedad (eSociety).

Spain already has 68,000 blogs, but of course only half of them are actually active. It’s not difficult to get excited about writing a blog and then let that enthusiasm trail off. But even then, something has to be said for the Spanish “blogosphere” that doubles every 5-6 months.

Considering the importance of the Spanish language in the greater scheme of things, Spain is still nowhere near where it should be, in relation to other countries that relentlessly lead the pack. Take English for instance, a language drumming up a count of 1,300,000 blogs and French at 87,000 (with very strong growth in the last year). With Portuguese at 81,000 and Farsi with a striking 61,000, Spanish falls into 7th place, behind German and Polish.

Uncensoring. So while the spectacular GLOBAL blogging quilt blooms with ideas, outburst and reflection, why not help others dive into the frenzy of expression that’s taking the world, and Adopt a Chinese Blog.


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