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LinkedIn sponsored updates: Tap into LinkedIn’s 740 million users


As marketers, the last thing you want to do is miss out on a vast pool of potential leads and increased traffic to your website. Leaving LinkedIn out of your marketing strategy would mean just that. More specifically, the value of LinkedIn sponsored updates for the promotion of your business should not be underestimated. Read on to find out how they can significantly improve your campaigns.

Ads that don’t look like ads

LinkedIn sponsored updates don’t mirror traditional advertising formats, but they include a mention that the post is sponsored below the publisher’s name, so users know that they are reading an ad. The sponsored updates can include a video, an infographic or an image, which can be especially useful if you are running a campaign as they are great for engaging the users and making your sponsored ads look more like traditional posts.

How to connect with your potential customers

In order to connect with your customers and generate conversions, your content has to be helpful and useful to them. Sharing meaningful insights in your LinkedIn sponsored updates will benefit your brand awareness and generate interest from LinkedIn users, especially decision makers.

Remarkably, sharing content that adds value to your post and is helpful to your audience will demonstrate that your company has the expertise necessary to carry out the work they do.


Giving your business a boost globally

LinkedIn allows advertisers to run campaigns in 22 languages. To run international campaigns on LinkedIn, you have to match the languages and localise the ads to the users and countries selected.

You should consider the following:

  • Be sure before you commit and carefully identify the language of your new audience, taking into account their industry and job roles to tailor your content as much as possible.
  • Your content and landing pages have to be properly localised in the languages required.
  • Never translate your calls-to-action, instead adjust them to the different cultures involved.

Remember that LinkedIn is not just a platform for jobseekers or hiring managers, it also offers a large pool of potential customers. What’s more, you can reach them across various devices, from desktop to mobile. Having said this, remember that you need to show and demonstrate your expertise within your business by sharing relevant content which will add to the users’ experience on the platform.

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Guillaume Georges-Skelly

Account Manager at Webcertain
Guillaume is an Account Manager at Webcertain, with more than six years’ experience in digital marketing. He has an international Master’s degree in Marketing Management, from Strasbourg Business School. Responsible for managing web marketing projects for a diverse range of international B2B clients, his main specialities include customer relationship management, content marketing and paid search. He also has experience in crisis communication, WordPress and Google Analytics. Originally from France, Guillaume now lives in the UK.

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