behind the Anti-Google campaign admits that they’re behind the nifty guerrilla marketing campaign launched to promote search alternatives, in effect to sway users away from Google. After all, Google the market leader by far. The url at the bottom of the advertisement is Update: Since the news got out, Ask has placed a small “Ask” logo on […] reveals their own video and photo sharing services—YaTV and YaShoot
Spain’s leading online portal and telecom, has launched YaTV and YaShoot in order to compete with YouTube on a local level, here in Spain. Both of the Web 2.0 services use’s proprietary tagging service, Etikedo, to help organize photos and videos on YaTV and YaShoot. Etikedo consolidates photos, videos and links, where users […]
Google's Isabel Aguilera confirms the rumor: Google is working on a mobile phone
A number of Spanish online sources are reporting on a recent rumor, now confirmed by Isabel Aguilera,Google’s Managing Director in Spain and Portugal—Google is working on their own mobile phone. Google Phone? gPhone? Confirmed, right here in Spain. The news seemed to catch everyone off guard. Was that something that was really supposed to surface? […]