Multilingual search

New Yellow Pages in Iceland

The Portal, owned by Iceland largest media company, just added to their services “Yellow Pages” called ALLT. This is a addition to their other services in other more “traditional” media. There is currently no none Icelandic search. The company is expanding to Denmark with a similar concept.

New law pressures online gambling in Russia

Offline gambling has exploded in Russia in the last three years, particularly in Moscow. It is an estimated $5 billion annual business and draws players to both high-class casinos and the one-rouble slots in small arcades. Russia, the world’s second-largest country by population with an all-cash culture that favours spending over saving may soon rival […]

Search Engine Strategies completes first China show

The first Search Engine Strategies Conference and Expo to be held in China wrapped up and recieved great feedback from the participants. There were approximately 600 attendees at this event and next year promises to bring out even more. Here’s some notes from the keynote speakers, Jack Ma of Yahoo! China and Johnny Zhou of […]

"Avisos" or "Anuncios"?

Thanks, Andy for inviting me to contribute to the Search Technology area. Well, since this is my first post, this one is a bit informal. I’ll try to use a reporting style in my next one. —————————— El Nuevo Día ( from Puerto Rico, one of the most important newspapers in the Caribbean region, is […]