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Google acquires Korean blogging platform TNC

Is Google finally becoming serious in approaching the Korean market? Joop Dorresteijn reports that blogging platform TNC has been acquired by Google today; making them the first acquired company by Google in Korea. (who’s counting anyway) TNC offers a blogging … Read More

African Ad Network Pamoja Launched

According to The White African Blog, a new Ad network has been launched called Pamoja Media. Started by Joshua Wanyama (of AfricanPath) and Benin Mwangi (of Cheetah Index), it’s an ad network created to serve advertisers trying looking for a … Read More

Turkmenistan joins the internet revolution

The Moscow Times reports that Turkmenistan has begun to allow private citizens to connect to the internet. The national internet provider, Turkmentelekom, said on Thursday that it has been connecting up to 20 homes a day since the announcement, mainly … Read More

Russian Yandex Moves Closer to IPO

The Moscow Times reports that Yandex, the largest search engine in Russia, plans to raise $1.5b to $2b in a New York IPO this fall. Their source has said that these expectations are based on a preliminary valuation of Yandex … Read More

Post Collection on South Korean Internet

Joop Dorresteijn has started a series of posts which aim to explore the South Korean internet market. The series is not complete yet but one to bookmark if you’re looking for information on one of the most active internet markets … Read More

Russians snub ICANN with IDN SU registrations

As we reported back in February 2007, ICANN is still attempting to delete the obsolete SU (Soviet Union) extension but having little success. While they have managed to decommission the .YU (Yogoslavia) extension successfully they are finding rebellion among Russian … Read More

Russian WebMoney system: Free PDF magazine

If you are considering targeting the Russian audience, one of the first hurdles to overcome is how to deal with the local online payment methods. Credit cards have started to be distributed but they are expensive, with high interest rates, … Read More

Russian Yandex Hands Out Free Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Yandex, the leading search engine portal in Russia has signed a deal with Kaspersky Anti-Virus to bundle their product into their desktop application, Ya Online. Ya Online is free desktop software, which connects to their mail service (Yandex Post), allows … Read More

7.8 million Ukrainian users online per month

New figures published by CyberSecurity.ru have shown the number of internet users in Ukraine rose by 1% between January and February of this year. There are now 7767005 (7.8m) unique users per month online in the country. That represents massive … Read More
