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Yao Yining

How to ensure Baidu crawls and indexes your site correctly

Sometimes, you might not want search engines to crawl or index some pages of your website – for example if they contain confidential documents, are only meant for registered users or are out-of-date. Normally, you can achieve this by implementing approaches such as meta robots tags, robots, or 301 redirects.

Chinese SEO Baidu
Yao Yining

How to start an effective Chinese SEO campaign for Baidu

Since China has replaced Japan as the second largest economy, and the continued appreciation of Chinese Yuan (CNY), the Chinese market is getting more attention than ever. For international businesses to reach Chinese customers, the optimisation of their Chinese websites is a must. Looking at the data from CNZZ ,

Baidu SEO: Optimize for China's Leading Search Engine
Yao Yining

Baidu SEO: How to dramatically improve search visibility with minimal effort

Yes, China’s internet audience is massive. Yes, China has got the potential to catapult your company’s revenues into the stratosphere. Yes, China’s digital market is in many respects already too big to ignore. China is all that and much more. However, what is often forgotten amid the hype is the