Multilingual search

Jargon Buster: Explaining AMPs, Baidu Brand Zone, ccTLDs And More

Jargon Buster – 11th April 2016

A is for… AMP

You may have heard lots of buzz about AMPs recently. But these AMPs aren’t the thing you plug into an electric guitar. In internet marketing, AMPs refer to Accelerated Mobile Pages. Accelerated Mobile Pages are webpages that are really lightweight when it comes to their code, and are designed to load super-fast on a mobile device. They’re so lightweight because they run on a stripped down version of HTML and CSS, and outright ban things like JavaScript. If you want to target mobile users, you may want to consider AMPs.

B is for… Baidu Brand Zone

Baidu is the most popular search engine in China, and Baidu Brand Zone is one of its coolest advertising products. Baidu Brand Zone allows advertisers to buy brand or trademark related terms and own the ads on the SERP pages for those terms. The ads take up the top section of the search page and include site links, rich media banners, videos and links to social media accounts. Brand trust is really, really important in China, and is seen as more important than other factors like price.


C is for… ccTLDs

ccTLD stands for Country Code Top-Level Domain. ccTLDs form part of a website’s URL and indicate which country a website is based in or targeting. Examples of ccTLDs are .uk for the UK, .in for India, .br for Brazil and .au for Australia. If your website is targeting a particular country, it is best practice to use the appropriate ccTLD, as it tells both users and search engines which country is your intended target.


D is for… Dayparting

If you’re involved in the world of television or radio broadcasting, you may have heard of dayparting. Dayparting is the practice of separating out the day into different time periods. Different demographics will typically be watching or listening at different times, so accurate dayparting is essential when deciding when to broadcast different types of programmes. Typical dayparts are breakfast, daytime, prime time, late night and overnight. It is worth noting that due to cultural differences, dayparts are different in different countries.

E is for… E-Listening

E-listening is all about listening to what people are saying about your brand online. This may be on social media, forums, blogs or articles. Listening to all that online chatter is an extremely useful way of finding out about any problems and any success stories that you should be aware of. Picking up on problems allows you to try to resolve these problems and minimise damage to your reputation, whilst picking up on success stories gives you some great content to share on social media!

F is for… Forward proxy server

A forward proxy server is a computer server that sits between a person accessing the internet and the site they are trying to access. In other words, it’s a gateway, accepting traffic and forwarding it through to another server. This is useful when a person in one country is looking at a website in another country – it allows the user to see what the site looks like in the target country.

G is for… Geo-targeting

Geo-targeting is the process of delivering region-appropriate content based on a user’s location. If your company targets both the UK and Spain, you will want the British version of your website to show up in the British search engine results pages and the Spanish version of your website to show up in the Spain search engines. You can geo-target your website to using a local ccTLD and adjusting your geo-targeting settings in your Google Search Console account.


H is for… Hashtag

Hashtags (#) are commonly used on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. If you put a hashtag in front of a word or phrase, then your tweet will show up when a user searches for that word or phrase. Hashtags are useful because they allow you to take part in conversations about a specific topic and help to expand your reach.

I is for… Influencer

Staying on the topic of social media, let’s turn to influencers. Influencers are people who are very popular on a social network and have a large number of relevant and engaged followers. Influencers tend to occupy a specific niche, so you will have one influencer who posts make up tips and reviews, and another who focuses on something completely different, like video games. Working with appropriate influencers to get them to review your product is a fantastic way to connect with your target audience.

K is for… Keyword mapping

Keyword mapping means deciding which URLs on your website should be optimised for which keywords. Search engines advise that you map every single page in your website to a unique keyword. This will help search engines to understand what your webpages are about and show the most relevant one in the search engine results pages when someone searches for a keyword.


L is for… Localisation

If you have a website targeting a specific country, you’ll want to localise it. This is more than just translating it into the correct language, it also includes making sure it’s displaying the correct currencies, has the right payment options, is laid out in the style of the target country and is culturally sensitive when it comes to the photographs used and the attitudes expressed.

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