Multilingual search

New trend in Japanese SNS market

As I’ve reported in past, SNS services are really hot in Japan. While mixi went public with more than 7mil members, and Softbank to offer Japanese version of MySpace, there’s a new trend in SNS market in Japan.

At, you can create your own SNS site for free. From mid to the end of October, more than 1000 SNS sites were created within 2 weeks period of time.

Most of SNS sites created using nanoty are for small and targeted markets categorized by interests and groups, i.e., music, sports, pets, school alumni, and cities. Some are family SNS sites where family members can communicate with messages and photos.

4 responses

  1. Mixi made a good move adding SNS to the mix after starting with job search. Sure will give Gree and Any a run for their money. Social networking is hot and Myspace is sure to jump on the bandwagon in Japan. Do you think Google will try to get horn in on the advertising with that?

  2. Hi David,

    Overture has started providing the ads to mixi.
    I’m sure Google is looking for the opportunities to expand the ads market, too.
    Google’s decision to provide Gmail to any one in Japan is a part of their efforts to expand the reach in Japan.

  3. Good move by Overture. I’m sure you’re spot on about Google’s use of Gmail’s strategy to spread their reach. Will they catch Yahoo? What is the market share for each these days?

  4. Hi Motoko,

    Interesting story…

    A new entrant called “” is quite good to. you should go and have a look.


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