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Online Search Overtakes Print Media As Most Trusted News Source, Jumia Is Top Ecommerce Site In Nigeria

13 February 2015 – Global Marketing News

Online search overtakes print media as most trusted news source

Research company Edelman has announced that online search engines have surpassed traditional printed media as the most trusted news source.

The research revealed that 64% of internet users worldwide trust search engines to provide them with news, compared to 62% trusting traditional media such as printed newspapers, and 48% trusting social media.

Online search also showed dominance over traditional print media when it came to users seeking business information, with 31% of users saying searching online was their first course of action, compared to 22% of whom preferred TV and 21% who first consulted the newspapers.

Jumia is top ecommerce site in Nigeria

Jumia is the most popular ecommerce website in Nigeria, according to the website analytics company Alexa.

As well as taking the top spot in the ecommerce sphere, Jumia, which has several million visitors every month and has won the World Retail Award, is also the eighth most popular website in the country generally.

Its popularity is explained by the website Information Nigeria, which points to Jumia’s commitment to fighting for the best deals for customers as the key reason for its success. Its current fashion Super Clearance Sale has reductions of up to 80%.

Jumia’s head of marketing explains the company’s attitude to ecommerce, saying: “Retail is a lifestyle. It’s what you see, what stirs your senses, what you feel, what makes you who you are. Retail is a day-to-day part of each and every one of us, and as such a personal experience that should be close to home.”

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Australia has highest tablet penetration rates in Asia-Pacific

Research by E-Marketer has revealed that Australia has the highest penetration of tablets in the Asia-Pacific region.

Australia currently has just over 10 million tablet users, which equates to over 70% of all Australian internet users.

The technology company Telsyte predicts that by the middle of this year, tablets will overtake desktop computers as Australian internet users’ device of choice.

Other countries in the Asia-Pacific region have not been so keen to adopt tablets, however. The Guardian speculates that penetration in China has remained low due to the fact that many Chinese people cannot afford to have a desktop, smartphone and tablet, and E-Marketer blames the low uptake in Japan and South Korea on their aging populations and the popularity of phablets.

Google invests $1 billion in rockets

And finally, Google has invested 1 billion US dollars into the private rocket company Space Exploration Technologies, as reported by the New York Times.

Google hopes that by utilising satellite technology, it will be able to bring the internet to currently underserved areas of the world and gain more customers.

This isn’t the first time a digital company has made the seemingly unusual decision to go into the space sector. Last year, Facebook bought a drone manufacturer and employed a group of aerospace scientists with the aim of using the drones at high altitude to deliver internet to underserved parts of the world. Virgin Group and Qualcomm have also invested heavily in satellite companies.

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Elin Box

Content Marketing Manager at Webcertain
Elin is a Content Marketing Manager at Webcertain. She is responsible for Webcertain’s Self-learning platform, producing in-depth guides on a range of international digital marketing topics. She also helps run the Webcertain blog and is the writer of the Webcertain search and social report, an annual report summarising digital marketing best practices in over 50 countries. She is passionate about educating and empowering people to make the best decisions for their business and is proud to help share Webcertain’s wealth of digital marketing knowledge with the world. Elin is from the UK.

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