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SEO Trends In Australia For 2012

SEO techniques are not the only thing to have changed this year. In Australia we have been data mining trends in users’ search behaviour and have uncovered some interesting pieces of data.

The way in which Australians search has changed dramatically. Most importantly, our findings have identified that generic keywords are starting to lose the transactional value they once had. A keyword like women’s clothing, for example, used to convert for many websites with a substantial high conversion rate. What has changed is users are being more specific in their searches, for example, buy women’s green pants or women’s jackets online have become gold mines for SEO companies to work on. Firstly, they are easier to rank and secondly they are converting at 500% increase in comparison to last year (data taken from Maps Gurus SEO data analytics). The commercial intent for a retailer to target this with SEO is a no brainer.

Retail is not the only sector to see this trend, tradesman have identified that keywords with the most commercial intent in 2012 are location based terms, either with the capital city of the region (Melboune, Sydney etc) or suburb (Toorak, Bondi etc) people are now searching locally and amazingly the conversion rate for many websites on page one for suburb based keywords are now at 25%. That is 1 in 4 making an enquiry!

Australian businesses now realize that diversifying your keywords that you target in SEO is the best approach. Don’t put all the eggs in one basket as these figures above clearly show that there are golden keywords to rank on page one for.

The question I have is: Is there any other country that has seen a massive spike in the effectiveness of moving away from generic search, and focusing on specific local or product searches, Australia is no trend setter whatsoever, but I genuinely belive that there are other countries where the generic keywords just don’t have the same effect, eg- Online Marketing compared to Online Marketing London.

2 responses

  1. John, Agreed with this Post….

    But if you need to find any Ethical SEO Techniques, Just make a Proper SEO Strategy with a Powerful & Profitable Keyword research included Meta Tags Optimization process….

    This is the main Powerful Backbone to Run a SEO campaign… to Gain Good search ranking for any website….

    I hope to share healthy information here, do let me know if still there is any question. 🙂

    Thanks…. SEO Peace

  2. It’s wise to include competitive long-tail keywords in your keyword research and if you can include local information in there, providing it’s relevant and valid, you’ll see improving results.

    Google is beginning to place local search results over the rest of the natural search results where the information is available. So local optimisation is a great idea.

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