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Statistics on Internet Usage in Italy September 2010

Audiweb published a new report new on Internet usage in Italy based on data harvested in September 2010: 32,9 million Italians between 11 and 74 are now connected to the Internet “on a permanent basis” i.e. from “anywhere” with “any device” during the last year mobile internet access has increased 26,1% reaching 11% of the active population during the month of September 2010 24 million Italians surfed the web at least once from a PC Domestic use of the Web increased by 14,3% now reaching 12 million families – approximately half of those with at least one family member in their 70s and have access via a computer (personal, company owned, or television) 67,8% of those families connected (8,4 million) rely on high speed DSL or optical fiber access with a flat contract (92,6%): 22,2% rely on mobile wireless USB devices (2,7 million) On an average day there are:    3,7 million active users from the north west 2 million from the north east 2 million from central Italy 3,7 million from Southern Italy and the Islands Source: Audiweb