Kinderstart publicity stunt?
As my “Hello World” post at this blog, I’ll start with the disclaimer that I’m a firm believer that in most things, the Internet overall not being the least, the US leads the way. Now I don’t mean only in technology, Internet Penetration Rate, investments, etc., but also in social behaviour and what characterizes product […]
Online marketing expenditure on the rise in Italy
ADEx Nielsen estimates report online marketing expenditure on the rise in Italy up 51,3% over a 12 month span from January 2005 to the same month of this year. Marketing & Publicity investments in Italy reach € 601,4 Million with an overall 2,1% increase. Billboard publicity fell sharply (-7,3%) while online investment confirms a positive […]
Yandex announce record profits in Russia
Yandex, Russia’s most popular search engine portal, have announced record profits for last year. Net profit of the company in 2005 was $13,6m, and turnover (revenue) was $35,6m (on US GAAP, without including NDS). Those figures have doubled since 2004. They put this growth down to the wider expansion of the internet in Russia, they […]