Multilingual search

SEMPO Japan's 2nd annual Japanese SEM market research

SEMPO Japan has announced the results of Japanese SEM market research at the SES Tokyo on April 20. The results show that more than 60% responded that they use SEM as a mean to improve the brand recognition, and more than 31% responded that they have a separate budget for SEO in 2006. Overall results […]

goo to offer Wikipedia search in Japan

One of Japan’s oldest search sites, goo, has added “encyclopedia search” button on its dictionary search service, “goo dictionary“. This is the first tie-up search service with Wikipedia in Japan. goo dictioary has about 3 million users/month, and one of goo’s most popular services. Wilipedia now has more than 200,000 Japanese pages.

New club for Russian search leaders

Last weekend saw the launch of the first Internet and Business conference to be held in Russia. It was a prestigious event and most of the companies and individuals shaping the new Runet were in appearance. With the current surge in investment and growth, the atmosphere was charged. It was a celebration of the last […]

"One Billion Customers" author James McGregor's take on China search

Paul Gigot of Fox News interviewed James McGregor, former Wall Street Journal China Bureau Chief and the author of “One Billion Customers: Lessons of from the Frontlines of doing Business in China.” McGregor will be a keynote speaker at adTech in San Francisco this week. GIGOT: What about this issue of the Internet companies, who […]

Russian Yandex release auto-focus PPC tool

Yandex, the Russian mega-portal, have released a new auto-focus tool for their PPC system, Yandex Direct. This will give marketers the ability to let the system select similar keyword terms for their adverts. As you might expect the auto-focus is based on the statistics Yandex holds on their user searches. It will delete or add […]