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Yandex Launches Search Refiners To Improve The User Experience

In a press release earlier today, Yandex announced that it now offers search refiners, helping users to instantly find the results they are looking for as they type in a query. This is a response to unspecified queries, which currently represent about 20 percent of all searches on the Russian

European e-commerce forecast: Winning the zero moment of truth

Leading technology-focused research and consulting firm, Forrester, recently released a report on European e-commerce and its future impact across 17 major European markets. Overall, online European retail sales are forecast to grow 12.2% annually, reaching a total value of 230.4 billion US dollars by 2016. While e-commerce is set to

Spain: Why Is Online Ad Spending Prospering Amid An Economic Downturn?

Spain remains the European country with the highest unemployment rate, currently standing at 22.9 percent. Often, marketing budgets stand first in line to get squeezed whenever companies are facing tough times, but despite deep economic crisis in Spain, online ad spending has grown significantly in the past two years and

Online user patterns of Russian iPad owners

Tablets are rapidly gaining popularity around the globe, but does user behaviour differ significantly from that of PCs and smartphones? Last week, Russian search giant, Yandex, released a short report on the user patterns of Russian iPad users. Findings showed that the number of Russian iPad users has grown exponentially

Global Online User Engagement Stats: Quick Important Takeaways

Yesterday, comScore released a report which includes statistics on online user engagement in key markets around the globe. Below are some notable takeaways: 45.3: This is the number of hours the average Canadian spends online each month, placing the hockey-crazy nation as a superior #1 on the list, followed by

Baidu to take on Google in South America

There is one word that comes to mind when evaluating Baidu’s 2011 financial performance: gangbusters. Although Google CEO and co-founder, Larry Page, used that very same word to describe Google’s Q3 2011 earnings, this seems very applicable to the Chinese search giant’s outstanding performance in the year gone by. Baidu’s

Three Huge Social Networks International Marketers Should Not Neglect

Facebook might be the world’s biggest social network, rapidly on its way to reach the magical one billion user mark, but it is not the only one. Here are a few others that are highly competitive in their domestic markets: Vkontakte (In contact): Russia’s leading social network has more than

Which Online Market Is The Fastest Growing In Europe?

Yesterday, comScore released an Overview of European Internet Usage for December 2011. The release, highlighting internet usage in 49 European markets and providing individual reporting on 18 of those markets, shows that the Russian internet audience continues to be Europe’s largest with more than 53.3 million unique visitors during the month.