Global Marketing News – 15th July 2015
Businesses should look East for B2C ecommerce growth
A study by SaleCycle has revealed ecommerce trends across the globe.
Most B2C ecommerce sales took place in the Asia Pacific region than any other region so far in 2015, accounting for 33.4% of all global ecommerce sales.
This is according to a study by SaleCycle, which showed that North America and Europe were close behind in second and third place, with 31.7% and 28.4% of sales respectively.
Latin America, Africa and the Middle East were by far the least developed regions in terms of ecommerce sales, with Latin America accounting for just 4.2% of global ecommerce sales and Africa and the Middle East accounting for just 2.3%.
The data also showed the proportion of people from each region who were engaging in online shopping.
This is perhaps a more accurate reflection of the maturity of the ecommerce markets in these locations, as they reflect true proportions rather than simply reflecting the population size of each location.
Europe came out on top in this measure, with 88% of Europreans engaging in ecommerce. 75% of North Americans bought online, compared to 47% in the Asia Pacific region, 35% in Africa and the Middle East and 31% in Latin America.
Desktops were the device of choice in all locations, although in Africa and the Middle East a similar proportion of people also bought online using a mobile phone.
76% of all ecommerce journeys were aborted before purchase, meaning that the majority of people will browse a website and even put an item in a basket but then decide not to buy the product.
There was some regional variation in this behaviour, with 80% of shoppers in Latin America abandoning their carts, compared to 77% in Asia Pacific, 76% in Africa and the Middle East, 75% in North America and 73% in Europe.
American Express launches new online payment option
American Express has launched a new online payment option for its cardholders.
Amex Express Checkout will allow users to enter their existing usernames and passwords, with all billing and shipping information then being automatically filled in, saving users time.
Amex Express Checkout is currently only available on a small number of partner websites and apps, including Ticketmaster, Warby Parker and Newegg. It is working on expanding the number of websites it is available on.
To entice American Express cardholders to use Amex Express Checkout, it will be offering 10 US dollars of credit to first-time users.
Amex Express Checkout’s main competitors in the global online payments market are PayPal, Apple Pay, Yandex Money and Line Pay.
Amazon launches in Mexico
The ecommerce company Amazon has launched in Mexico.
The Mexican Amazon site went live at the end of June, and will allow users to buy millions of physical products in the country.
Amazon already had a presence in the Mexican market, but had previously only offered e-book services in the country.
Amazon Mexico is offering free delivery within 3-5 days if a user buys over 599 pesos worth of products, equivalent to 38 US dollars.
Products will be stored and distributed from a 700,000 square foot warehouse in Cuautitlán Izcalli.
Amazon will face stiff competition in the Mexican market, where around 140 ecommerce companies already operate, including MercadoLibre and Walmart.
Mukul Deoras appointed as Colgate-Palmolive’s new Chief Marketing Officer
And finally, Mukul Deoras has been appointed as Colgate-Palmolive’s new Chief Marketing Officer.
Deoras will be in responsible for the company’s 2 billion US dollar advertising budget, of which an estimated 25% will be spent on online marketing.
Prior to taking on the Chief Marketing Officer at Colgate-Palmolive, Deoras had been president of the company’s Asian division.
Colgate-Palmolive is one of the world’s leading toothpaste and toothbrush manufacturers, with an estimated 45% share of the global toothpaste market and a 34% share of the toothbrush market.
Last year, the company generated revenue worth just over 17 billion US dollars.
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