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Google's Isabel Aguilera confirms the rumor: Google is working on a mobile phone

A number of Spanish online sources are reporting on a recent rumor, now confirmed by Isabel Aguilera,Google’s Managing Director in Spain and Portugal—Google is working on their own mobile phone. Google Phone? gPhone? Confirmed, right here in Spain.

The news seemed to catch everyone off guard. Was that something that was really supposed to surface?
Certainly it’s not a surprise. Nowadays Google seems to be working on everything and with all of the solutions currently available, a phone that consolidates all of the features (Gmail, Google Maps, mobile advertising, etc.) seems like the next logical step. However, the Spanish blogosphere has it’s doubts as to whether the newsflash was entirely unintentional. Up until now, Google’s headquarters have been unwilling to comment on the rumor. Now, the cat’s out of the bag.

In either case, on the 14th this month, in a conference organized by the Association for the Progress of the Mediterranean Region (Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección de la Zona Mediterránea), Alguilera confirmed that the company’s engineers are dedicating part of their time towards building a mobile phone for better “access to information.” This is one of the 18 projects that are cooking in the Google labs.

Libertad Digital

One Response

  1. This rumor has been dismissed by Google already, I think. They are actually working with cell phone carriers, not doing a cell phone with their brand name on it.

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