Multilingual search

Japanese blog user survey and goo research have announced its blog user survey results. It shows the difference in usage between male and female.

Q1: Have you viewed someone else’s blog in last 30 days?
Male – Yes 77.75%
Female – Yes 80.40%

Q2: Do you have a blog?
Male – Yes 31.99%
Female – Yes 36.05%

Q3: How often do you update your blog?
Male – Everyday 16.56%, 2-3 times/week 21.85%, once a week 12.58%
Female – Everyday 21.66%, 2-3 times/week 23.50%, once a week 13.82%

Q4: Do you use your real name on blog?
Male – Yes 7.95%
Female – Yes 3.60%

Q5: Which blog services do you use?
Male – goo, Yahoo, FC2, Livedoor
Female – Rakuten, goo, FC2, Yahoo

Rakuten has a huge user base for its online shopping site. Many online shop owners use the blog to communicate with clients talking about not only new products and services, but also their private life to create a closer (almost friendship like) relationship with clients.
The survey results also shows that male users prefer trackback function, and female prefer comment function on the blogs.

One Response

  1. I’m not surprised that the females use Rakuten since if has a huge user base for its online shopping site. What is surprising is that females are blogging and viewing blogs at a higher rate. I guess the fact that they prefer the comment function might be they want their voice heard.

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