As per August 1st one can no longer keep their personal information secret in the DK-Hostmaster [The danish body responsible for handeling the .dk domain] database.
Up until August anyone could choose to hide their personal information from the who-is quesries done for the ccTLD .dk domain. This is not possible anymore.
The only way to hide your details is to have an actual secret adress. This, however, needs to be setup ay your local goverment office and has nothing to do with the domain rules. If you don’t have a public available adress or phonenumber, DK-hostmaster will of course not show one.
I expect this to lead to quite a bit of restructuting of domain ownerships and editing of personal registrant information.
For more info, visit – I haven’t been able to find any news in English on their site regarding this though.
2 responses
Interesting development – wonder if this is likely to become the norm for other domains?
I would hate to have that rule in the US. I get enough spam and junk mail from the domains where I revealed my info. Does that happen in Denmark?