Barry from SEroundtable postes in his personal blog about a
possible SEO event in Israel, (and maybe I for once will need no hotel nor flights to arrange…)
From Barry’s post:
I can probably get a sponsor with the help of Third Door Media coordinating the event under an SMX or Sphinn thing. It is very early on, just a concept right now, so no guarantees on that. I am just fishing the idea around.
The Israeli SEO/SEM industry grows up massive, it was just a matter of time…
5 responses
That will be awsome
Good excuse to visit you Gilad – how many spare rooms do you have again?
We have plenty of room inside or at the garden, Google is already there
Okay now I’m jealous. How about SMX on this side of the world? Looks like SES isn’t interested anymore so who’s going to fill the void?
Barry is looking for people to show interest – sign up on Sphinn and cast your vote: