Multilingual search

WordReference Verb Conjugator (Beta)

WordReference Verb Conjugator (Beta)

While looking for an appropriate spanish translation for “information retrieval”, I came across WordReference Verb Conjugator tool. It’s a great tool. It might be an old news but is new to me.

A search for “buscar” and “optimizar” provides all possible conjugations and tenses. The tool also lists terms with similar conjugation models. It is a great tool but keep in mind is still in beta.

Back to my original search, WordReference translates “retrieval” as “recuperación” which means “recovery”.

A more accurate translation is “obtención” since “information recovery” does not necessarily implies “information retrieval”.

Fortunately, WordReference translates correctly “information retrieval” as “obtención de información”.

This example illustrates that literal translations cannot be taken at face value. Now add regionalisms and the picture gets a lot complicated.

To illustrate, “cuero” in different countries and contexts means different things; i.e.
1. leather (USA, as in “leather material”)
2. drums (Cuba, as in “sonando los cueros”)
3. prostitute (Puerto Rico, as in “esa mujer es un cuero”)
4. a compliment (Mexico, as in “que cuero de mujer”)

This is my classic example against using regionalisms when optimizing documents. Incidentally, many translation services powered by humans overlook the problem posed by regionalisms.


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