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global marketing news 17 july 2015
Gemma Houghton

Are Asian Rural Markets Potential Goldmines for E-Retailers?

Global Marketing News – 17th July 2015 China and India look to rural ecommerce Ecommerce companies in China and India are turning their attentions to rural markets. Rural communities are becoming increasingly more connected, with affordable low-end smartphones meaning that more and more rural people now have access to the

global marketing news 13 july 2015
Gemma Houghton

Will Google’s Right To Be Forgotten Reach The USA?

Global Marketing News – 13th July 2015 Will Google’s right to be forgotten reach the USA? The privacy group Consumer Watchdog is to file a complaint against Google to the US Federal Trade Commission. The complaint will argue that rules similar to be “right to be forgotten” law in Europe

Gemma Houghton

Russia Relaxes Its “Right To Be Forgotten” Law

Global Marketing News – 7th July 2015 Russia relaxes its “right to be forgotten” law Russia has announced that it will be relaxing its online “right to be forgotten” law, as China tightens its own cyber-laws. Russian lawmakers had originally proposed a controversial “right to be forgotten” law in June

Gemma Houghton

Study Reveals Best Times To Tweet Around The World

Global Marketing News – 1st July 2015 Study reveals best times to tweet around the world Research by Buffer has revealed the best times to tweet in order to get the maximum number of clicks, engagements, retweets and favourites. The research, which was based on data collected from 4.8 million

Gemma Houghton

Russian Ecommerce Leader Opens Up To European Retailers

Global Marketing News – 25th June 2015 Russian ecommerce leader opens up to European retailers The Russian ecommerce site Ozon has announced that it will start allowing European and Chinese merchants to sell on its site later this year. The ecommerce company will build more warehouses around Russia to help

Gemma Houghton

Yandex Concerned About Proposed Russian Right To Be Forgotten Law

Global Marketing News – 19th June 2015 Yandex concerned about proposed Russian right to be forgotten law Yandex has raised concerns about a proposed “right to be forgotten” law in Russia. The Russian government unveiled plans for a “right to be forgotten” law earlier this week, which would allow Russians

Gemma Houghton

Russia To Create “Right To Be Forgotten” Law

Global Marketing News – 15th June 2015 Russia to create “right to be forgotten” law The Russian government wants to implement its own “right to be forgotten” law by January 2016. It will be similar to the law recently implemented in the EU, which allows EU citizens to request that

Gemma Houghton

Google Unveils SEO-Changing Algorithm Based On Facts, Not Links

Global Marketing News – 9th June 2015 Google unveils SEO-changing algorithm based on facts, not links Google researchers are developing a game-changing algorithm that will rank websites based on the accuracy of their content, rather than the number of links pointing to them. The change will address the current problem

Gemma Houghton

China Mobile To Team Up With Alibaba And Tencent

Global Marketing News – 3rd June 2015 China Mobile to team up with Alibaba and Tencent China’s leading telecoms company, China Mobile, has said that it wants to team up with the ecommerce giants Alibaba and Tencent. Telecoms companies have been struggling in recent years as the internet and instant

Gemma Houghton

Indonesia has highest online fraud levels globally

Global marketing news – 28 May 2015 Indonesia has highest online fraud levels globally A report by Forter has revealed which countries have the highest levels of e-commerce payment fraud. Indonesia came top of the list, where over a third of e-commerce transactions were fraudulent. Fraudulent transactions also made up