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Nokia to share global SEM tips at International Search Summit

Nokia’s Digital Strategy Manager Steve Capone will be speaking on “How to run a global SEM business” at the International Search Summit on 13 May in London. The session will consider various models for managing international search campaigns, from the perspective of a major global brand with multiple websites in

Bas van den Beld to speak at International Search Summit London

European search marketing expert Bas van den Beld will be speaking on “Trends and Tips on Mobile in Europe” at the International Search Summit in London. Bas currently runs State of Search, is a regular contributor to sites such as SearchEngineLand and SearchEngineWatch and a presenter on Webmasterradio, as well

International Search Summit to be held in Berlin

WebCertain has announced that it will host an International Search Summit in Berlin in June. The Summit will be co-located with Localization World and will take place on the pre-conference day, Monday 7th June. There is a great synergy between the two events, as they both focus on the challenges

SEMMY Awards finalists announced

Voting is now open for the 2010 SEMMY awards, which recognise the excellent content created by search marketers. There are 17 categories including SEO, PPC, Social Media and Link Building and the nominees in each have now been reduced to 5 or 6 finalists. The SEO category is featuring an

Is Facebook a global threat to Google?

With Facebook topping the chart as the most popular US search term of 2009 and being the most visited site on Christmas Day, speculation is rife as to whether the social network will prove a real threat to Google. While they are two different tools, Facebook is now offering a

International Search Summit announced for May 2010

The next International Search Summit will take place on 13th May, 2010 at a new venue, The Barbican in London. The speakers and the agenda are yet to be confirmed, but the event will once again focus on issues and trends in international seo, ppc and social media which affect

Trademark owners must be on the ball in new international domain changes

As of 16th November, it is now possible to register non-Latin domain names, using characters including Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek and Arabic. This development also affects certain languages such as Swedish, which use the Latin alphabet but have additional special characters, which have previously not been represented in domains. It will

Lee Odden visits Webcertain

On a recent trip to the UK, US search marketer and prolific blogger Lee Odden visited the WebCertain offices and the team took the opportunity to get his thoughts on a range of search and Social Media topics.

Here are some of the questions WebCertain posed, along with Lee’s answers..

New directions in multilingual information access

Via the SIGIR FORUM comes this 2006 SIGIR Report that examines current issues and the future of multilingual information access (MLIA) . The report does a critical review of The Quaero Project and similar initiatives. Six sessions and multilingual participants shared research free from unrealistic expectatives, wishful thinking or SEO

WordReference Verb Conjugator (Beta)

WordReference Verb Conjugator (Beta) While looking for an appropriate spanish translation for “information retrieval”, I came across WordReference Verb Conjugator tool. It’s a great tool. It might be an old news but is new to me. A search for “buscar” and “optimizar” provides all possible conjugations and tenses. The tool