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Marketing Content Not Available To Search Engines Isn’t Worth Localising

This is a comment which isn’t particularly popular among localisation professionals yet if you are localising a website as part of your marketing strategy, omitting SEO from the process is condemning your marketing plan to failure. Sure, your website would be relevant to native speakers of your target language, but if it isn’t appearing in search engines, not many of them are ever going to see it.

However, understanding the need for an SEO-Localisation strategy and actually putting it into practice are two different things. It is a complex process which requires a commitment from both SEO and localisation experts to work together and bring their respective knowledge and skills to the project. Neither party can own or dominate the process – it must be a collaboration where both parties understand the requirements and the restrictions of the other. For SEO-Localisation to be effective,  SEO techniques need to be integrated into the localisation process from the outset to ensure that the finished product is suitable for both the target audience and the local search engines – and both cost and time efficient for your business.

In a recent Search Engine Land article, Andy Atkins-Krüger shares his SEO-Localisation Best Practice workflow which has been developed after consultation with clients and practitioners of both SEO and localisation and demonstrates the integration required between the two.

Andy will be sharing more information about Blending SEO with Localisation in a free webinar on Tuesday 6th July at 4pm BST. Sign up to learn more about how you can drive your global business with SEO-Localisation.

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