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Is the BBC really paying Google to improve its search rankings?

When speaking about the BBC, I immediately see a huge company with a massive turnover and a very big marketing budget.

With a guaranteed £3.5 billion revenue each year, the BBC holds a strong position in the market obviously, making its competitors struggle. It is said that the BBC has been paying Google – as part of a £100m marketing spend – to improve its search ranking. The corporation itself recognised the importance of high search rankings and stated:

“Promoting content like the Mercury Prize online is an effective way to inform the licence fee payers who will want to watch it or read about it.”

The BBC sees a huge opportunity in capitalising on search and making sure it is achieving top organic search results. Having said that, it is not the first time that BBC deals with Google directly. The previous agreements led to the exposure of BBC content on YouTube.

You may have a different opinion, but is that really fair ? What does that make of genuine SEO work and SEO effort? Surely this is not fair on the rest of the competitors, which probably can not afford these sort of deals, and working very hard on their SEO. All I can say is it is quite scary to think that money is now influencing online search in such a direct and obvious manner.


3 responses

  1. Well, the article was originally published by the Mail on Sunday. I have seen today few articles saying that the BBC is paying for Adwords and not for SEO, but no official article or official statement though. Deep dowm, I do hope that the Mail reporter is wrong.

  2. I see this as a waste of money by the BBC, their site has one of the highest PR on the web, PR9, all they need is a top notch SEO team to promote their content. With such a PR you can easily rank well for almost any keyword / keyphrase you want.

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