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ad:tech Tokyo was full of innovation

The first ad:tech in Japan was held on 2 and 3 September in Tokyo. The agenda had four keynotes invited from overseas and a keynote panel by three Creative Directors and a CEO from Japanese corporations including Dentsu. Innovation was one of the themes of the conference, which had six different session tracks including “performance marketing” and “mobile marketing”.

The exhibit hall was full of energy with 30 exhibitors engaging with delegates. Google University and Microsoft Advertising Center/Bing Japan each had a separate room.

ad:tech Tokyo was a bilingual conference (English and Japanese), had speakers and delegates from overseas, and provided very unique place for Japanese marketers to hear, learn and network with foreign marketers and professionals in person.

See my note from the event.

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Motoko Hunt

President & Search Marketing Strategist at AJPR
Motoko Hunt manages the SEO for all of Adobe's properties in Japan and the APAC region. Prior to joining Adobe, Motoko established AJPR in 1998; she has been providing search marketing consulting services targeting Japan and Asia to companies around the world. Her services have made a big impact on the search marketing campaigns of some of the world's most popular multi-national brands. A number of her articles have been published on industry websites and printed media including MultiLingual Computing and the International Journal of Localisation. She also writes about the Japanese online market on her blog at AJPR and contributes to several online magazines in Japan and Asia. She served as a member of the board of directors of SEMPO in 2010-2012, and is a chairperson of the SEMPO Asia-Pacific Committee.

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