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The Importance, Value and Management of Links – TV Series

Link Building Series with Dixon Jones
The conversation around links has changed a lot in recent years; what hasn’t changed is that there still are conversations about links and they remain a crucial part of the digital marketing toolbox.

Like everything in digital, there is a lot to think about when it comes to links – and it’s no longer just the SEO team who are interested in link data and the value links can add to a business.

To dig deeper into the topic, Webcertain TV has produced a mini-series all about links, with the help of Majestic’s Dixon Jones. Running across this week on the channel, the series covers a variety of topics and common questions asked about the importance of links, link management and avoiding pesky penalties. We also look a bit deeper into the metrics and data Majestic can provide.

Series Schedule

Dixon Jones from Majestic on LinksWhat is a Link? And what makes a good one?
Monday 3rd August from 3pm BST

To start our series on links, we look at what a link really means and does, what makes a good link and why links are no longer purely the domain of SEOS.

Majestic and the Digital Marketing Mix

Tuesday 4th August from 3pm BST

We dig a bit deeper into the Majestic tool to understand what it can offer SEOs and Digital Marketers in general and how the data is collated and managed to ensure accuracy and immediacy.

Link Metrics – Trust Flow, Citation Flow and Page Rank

Wednesday 5th August from 3pm BST

Data and information about yours and your competitors’ link profile is all very well – but not much use if you don’t know what the data means or how to use it. We have a look at the key metrics used by Majestic and why they are useful, as well as how that compares to Google page rank and the value of that metric today.

Managing Your Link Profile and Avoiding Penalties

Thursday 6th August from 3pm BST

Since the release of Google Penguin, there has been an increased awareness of the importance of having a clean and quality link profile. Dixon shares some tips on managing your link profile on an on-going basis and avoiding pesky penalties, as well as what to do if Penguin does hit.

Link Disavowal and Link Removal
Friday 6th August from 3pm BST

The ability to disavow links was introduced by Google to help webmasters and SEO’s to clean up their link profiles, yet need to be used carefully and correctly to ensure it doesn’t harm rather than help. We discuss when and how to disavow links, as well as the practice of link removal.

Didn’t catch the series? Why not subscribe to Webcertain TV Catch up and access the entire back catalogue of Webcertain TV programmes and News Bulletins, as well as a range of guides, reports and how-tos on international digital marketing. Request a subscription today!


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