Multilingual search

World-Wide Stats: How Does Social Media Buzz Travel?

Last month at the SEM Conference in Oslo, Bryan Eisenberg and I were talking about the tools of the trade and he mentioned that he had put together a site focusing on collecting internet marketing  tools and it seemed that he had been doing this for some time.

The site itself is and there are many good tools that you can browse through and something tells me that Bryan’s list is likely to grow fast over the coming months.

To give me head-start Bryan pointed me to several tools and one of them is a tool based on the data collected by a very popular WordPress plugin called AddThis. The data collected by the AddThis team shows how data socializes, that is how those reading content share it.

Norway Iceland

Comparing countries like my home country Iceland and one of our closest neighbours Norway it is clear that Facebook is the biggest sharing option when users redistribute content of pages. In Iceland it is Facebook Like with some 47% and then Facebook with 25%. In Norway this flips, that is Facebook has a bigger share of 39% and Facebook Like has just over 18%.

What stands out for me is how often users print out items, Icelandic users seem to be bit “greener” when it comes to sharing content as they only use the print option in 1.88% while the Norwegians do that in close to 15%.

If you want to compare your own country to others you can to that by using the AddThis stats tool.

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