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You just clicked on the Russian internet – and it's private

The Guardian reports on the Russian government pushing for control of the internet inside Russian using Cyrillic characters not just to sit on top of the web pages – but controlling things at a domain level.

The issue here is that the Russian suffix .ru tranliterates into Cyrillic as .py or Paraguay’s domain name. Icann confirms that Russia is looking for the .rf domain name to make a Russian-cyrillic-character internet interoperable with the latin character net. Additionally, without a transliterating suffix, the result would be an non-interconnected Russia internet.

The development may involve Russia having its own root servers which would give the Russian government direct control over that part of the web. It could potentially issue passwords for people to obtain permission to access the global part of the web outside of Russia – or inside for that matter.

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Andy Atkins-Kruger

CEO at Webcertain
Andy is the CEO of Webcertain. He is a trained linguist with 20 years of experience in international marketing, having helped major brand leaders with their advertising and public relations projects on five continents. Webcertain has been operating multilingual search marketing campaigns for over 15 years and is one of few agencies which only deal with international campaigns; the company doesn't deal in single market projects. Andy speaks regularly at conferences around the world.

2 Responses to You just clicked on the Russian internet – and it's private

  1. That’s an interesting comment David – be grateful if you’d elaborate?

  2. David Wrixon says:

    The guy at the Guardian talks complete rubbish, and by simply copy his content you are making a complete fool of yourself. What happened to the days when Journalists actually used to research stuff. There is a real story here, but you certainly don’t have it.

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