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New French search engine Ketady launches

A new search engine Ketady has been launched in France aiming to provide intelligent search results for users. The idea behind Ketady is that humans respond to humans – rather than machines giving approximated answers via algorithms.

A registration is required – and searchers questions are referred to ‘experts’ who carry out the necessary search and respond within a guaranteed 10 minutes – rather than 10 milli-seconds! That’s excluding night-time, of course.

Using humans is not a totally new concept – but a 10 minute delay seems rather long. It will be interesting to see if the results make the wait worthwhile!

Ketady’s news release

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Andy Atkins-Kruger

CEO at Webcertain
Andy is the CEO of Webcertain. He is a trained linguist with 20 years of experience in international marketing, having helped major brand leaders with their advertising and public relations projects on five continents. Webcertain has been operating multilingual search marketing campaigns for over 15 years and is one of few agencies which only deal with international campaigns; the company doesn't deal in single market projects. Andy speaks regularly at conferences around the world.

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