Multilingual search

Web 2.0 Expo Tokyo in November

O’Reilly Japan and CMO Technology announced its plan for “Web 2.0 Expo Tokyo”. It’s currently scheduled for November 15 and 16 at Izumi Garden in Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan. Tim O’Reilly is scheduled to attend the expo as a keynote, which will be his first visit to Japan in nearly 10 years. There will be sessions […]

Yahoo's ads platform "Panama" opened in Japan

After a long wait, Yahoo / Overture has finally shifted the pay-per-click ads platform to “Panama” in Japan. According to comScore Networks’ study, the advertising campaign on new platform is bringing a higher click-through-rate (5-9% up) since its opening on February 5th. Susan Decker (CEO, Yahoo) said that she believes the company’s profitability will improve […]

Sapo Noticias takes on Google News in Portugal

Sapo, the largest Internet entertainment portal in Portugal, launched Sapo Local this week. This move follows others from Sapo news pages, that now specifically target sport, technology and economy. Sapo Local uses AJAX to gather news from different places into a personalized “news homepage”. This different places include blogs and other stablished news websites. A […]

Portuguese use the Internet to create businesses

The Portuguese Justice minister Alberto Costa announced that the Internet is fast becoming the preferred method for Portuguese businessmen to create new businesses. A year and half ago, a program called “Empresa na Hora” (Create your company in one hour) was launched to speed up the process of creating a business from scratch. The Internet […]

Google Israel to support Adsense in Hebrew

Last week, Israeli Google CEO, Mr. Meir Brand, announced that the AdSense features are finally supported for Hebrew advertisers and publishers. The back office translated interface is a bit clumsy, but still better then nothing. Till this statement, many Hebrew site owners integrated the non supported version to their sites having a handful of encoding […]