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Three tips for market research for manufacturers

If you are a manufacturer who is thinking of expanding into a new market, the first thing you need to do is conduct market research. Conducting proper research will help you to understand the market that you want to enter, and these learnings will have a positive impact on your digital marketing strategy.

This blog post will look at three of the most important things that manufacturers should research before entering any new market.

1. Define your target market

It is important to know exactly which countries/regions you are going to target and to get to know them. Find out which languages are used there. This will help you to prepare your messages and copy accordingly in advance. Considering the technical nature of the manufacturing industry, a good quality translation has a greater chance of allowing your prospective clients to fully understand the benefits of your product, which otherwise could be lost on them.

2. Identify your buyer personas

Market research can help manufacturers to identify each of the buyer personas that they may encounter – such as heads of production, production line workers, and health and safety managers – and build strategies that engage and impress each one accordingly. Around seven people are involved in the typical manufacturing buying process, so knowing exactly who these people are will help you to create content that is tailored to be maximally appealing to them.

3. Research the content you will need to create

Market research can help you to identify the methods and types of content that are most successful in your target market, such as e-books, videos or demos. It is the content that will engage prospective clients and keep you at the forefront of their mind across the buyer’s journey, so it is very important to get this part right.

I hope this blog post has given you a useful introduction to the importance of market research for manufacturers. For more information, read my free, full-length guide here. The guide covers the following four areas:

  • define your market
  • identify your buyer personas
  • research the resources and content that you will need
  • find out what your competitors are doing
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Maja Morawska

Web Development Project Manager at Webcertain
Maja is a Web Development Project Manager at Webcertain. With seven years of experience in account and project management, she has a solid understanding of marketing and a passion for problem solving and analytics. She has also completed a Level 6 Diploma in Professional Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing. In her role, she leverages her expertise in digital marketing, content creation, SEO and PPC to provide holistic web development projects and support clients with building websites which deliver results. Maja was born in Poland and moved to the UK with her family in 2007.

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