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Sivan Hu

Sivan is a Social Media and Influencer Marketing Specialist at Webcertain. She holds a degree in Product Design and early on realised her particular interest in market research. As a result, she pursued a career in audience marketing, helping clients develop customised social media strategies and campaigns to win customers’ recognition on social platforms, using her exceptional research and analysis skills. Originally from Shanghai, China, Sivan now lives in the UK, and her cross-cultural background has taught her to appreciate the value of individuality. She firmly believes that understanding the target audience’s needs is the key to creating personalised and emotional content that truly resonates with customers.

WeChat Channels: Harness the power of video on WeChat

Introduction With WeChat being the most popular social platform in China, it is an essential channel for your brand’s digital marketing efforts when targeting the country. One important part of your WeChat marketing strategy should be video marketing. Like everywhere … Read More

How to create effective WeChat articles

Introduction WeChat is the most popular social platform in China, making it an essential channel for your Chinese marketing activities. You should set up a WeChat account for your brand and make sure to use it regularly in order to … Read More
