Global Marketing News – 18th August 2016
Bing changes “right to be forgotten” rules
Bing has announced on its blog that it is to alter its “right to be forgotten” rules.
Currently, when a ‘right to be forgotten’ (or RTBF) request is received by the search engine, the page is simply removed from “all applicable European versions of Bing” for a search for the name in question.
However, in the future, the search engine will use the user’s location in order to de-list “the relevant URL on all versions of Bing, including”, for anyone searching for the “forgotten” name in the country where the RTBF request came from.
The alteration to the rules means that the “right to be forgotten” will now effect search results on any version of Bing, even non-European ones, if the search itself comes from an affected country.
Bing said in the post that the decision was made in order to reflect “recent developments in the European data protection regulatory environment”.
Google launches video call app Google Duo
Google has launched a new video call app for smartphones to rival Skype, called Google Duo.
Whilst Apple smartphones have Facetime built in, it can only be used to contact other iOS devices.
Google has said that the app has been designed so that users on any operating system can contact each other, with Amit Fulay from Google saying that currently “users are reluctant to video call because they don’t know if the other person is on the right network”.
Duo is also notably one of the first apps that Google has released that does not require a Gmail address to use, with only a phone number required to sign in and make a call.
It is thought that if Google installs Duo automatically onto every new Android device, it may be enough to tempt iOS users to download the app.
However, due to multiple accusations regarding Google abusing its market dominance, it remains to be seen as to whether it will install the app automatically or not.
Ulmart is the leading ecommerce site in Russia
New research from Moscow-based Data Insight has revealed that the St. Petersburg-based retailer Ulmart is the leading ecommerce site in Russia.
The study was done in order to index the top 100 online retail sites in Russia, ranking them all on metrics like sales, orders and average order value during 2015.
Big gains were shown to have been made by the flash sales platform which has seen sales increase by 50% since 2014, and rises twenty-three positions in the annual study.
Marketplaces such as Yandex.Market and Ebay were excluded from the study, due to the fact that many of their sales are made by third parties.
Meanwhile, the country’s ecommerce market continues to grow by as much as 16% year-on-year.
50 million people have viewed Olympic content on Snapchat
The Olympics has been viewed on Snapchat by 50 million people since the opening ceremony.
With broadcasters such as NBC and the BBC using the platform to target younger audiences, nearly a third of those who use Snapchat daily have viewed the Olympic ‘Stories’.
The stories feature footage from the games over the previous 24 hours, as Snapchat tries to compete with Twitter and Facebook in the coverage of live events.
Meanwhile, the app has also partnered with Buzzfeed, which is creating behind-the-scenes content specifically for Snapchat’s ‘Discover’ platform.
Data scientist jobs on the rise in Europe
And finally, market analysis from Procorre has shown that the demand for data scientists in Europe is on the rise.
In just the last six months, the number of roles for data scientists has increased by around 45% in the continent, as demand for “for consultants and contractors in key roles” increases.
Wiktor Podgorski, head of the relationship management team at Procorre, has said that “investment is being buoyed by the falling costs of the technology involved”, with the need for protection against cyber threats also playing a role.
The study found that the UK led the way in job creation in the industry, with the Internet of Things expected to produce 182,000 new jobs there by 2020.
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