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Spend per internet user in Belgium – lower than the UK and France

An IAB Nederland study reported by Digimedia confirms earlier reports in this blog on Belgian statistics, that the market is somewhat lagging behind. According to the study, spend per person online during 2004 in France was 54 Euros, in the UK 42 Euros and Belgium just 8 Euros. The number of advertisers has gone from just 262 in 2003 to 529 in 2004.

A note of caution over the figures which appear not to fully cover the search market. Whilst the spend per internet user may not be wholly accurate, it seems clear from the comparisons that Belgium is not racing ahead at the same pace as its neighbours.

Belgian statistics take two steps forward

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Andy Atkins-Kruger

CEO at Webcertain
Andy is the CEO of Webcertain. He is a trained linguist with 20 years of experience in international marketing, having helped major brand leaders with their advertising and public relations projects on five continents. Webcertain has been operating multilingual search marketing campaigns for over 15 years and is one of few agencies which only deal with international campaigns; the company doesn't deal in single market projects. Andy speaks regularly at conferences around the world.

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