Will Yandex Maps Integration Into iOS6 Keep Google At Bay?
Yesterday, rumours spread quickly that Yandex Maps will be integrated into Apple’s own mapping service on iOS6 (Bloomberg, TechCrunch, SearchEngineLand). TechCrunch’s Ingrid Lunden gives a good description of how this integration will play out: “When users are looking for details on Apple’s Maps service, Yandex’s geosearch API powers that that search, providing information about restaurants, […]
Awareness And Use Of Modern Payment Methods In Russia
Many leading global companies have had to face that Russia is everything but easy to invade. As a current testament to this, ubiquitous forces like Facebook and Google haven’t managed to wipe out the local competition as has been the case in most other countries worldwide. Vkontakte still has a healthy lead over Facebook in […]
Yandex faces Google role reversal in Turkey
Despite great efforts from Google, Yandex has stood firm as the undisputed market leader in Russia, holding 60% of search share in Europe’s largest internet market. Yandex’s success is largely attributed to its superior understanding and manipulation of the complex Russian language, as well as the fact it was ahead of Google in launching a […]
RuNet 2012: Unprecedented Online Market Growth In Russia Continues
Today I want to share some numbers for 2011 and fresh data reported from different sources for 2012 that shows unprecedented, double digit growth of RuNet, Russian Internet eco-system, and what potential it presents to those who are willing to conquer this very attractive market. Unfortunately, this year I wasn’t able to go to […]
Infographic: The Russian Internet In Numbers And Figures
Russia is Europe’s fastest growing online market, but what exactly is the current state of the Runet? Check out the infographic below for some useful insights:
Google Hreflang, Yandex And International Analytics: Highlights From ISS Seattle
The latest International Search Summit, which took place in Seattle at SMX Advanced last week, featured a wide range of speakers from brands, agencies and search engines, all sharing insights into international search marketing. Here are just a few of topics discussed and tips shared: Hreflang can now be added to XML Site maps This […]
Yandex Pushes Maps Service In Turkey: Real-Time Traffic Information On LED Boards
When looking at some of the initiatives launched by the major global search engines over the past year, it quickly becomes evident that local is a top priority going forward. In September 2011, Yandex launched its search engine in Turkey in order to challenge Google’s dominating position in this increasingly attractive market, whose online audience […]
Should Yandex Be Thrilled Or Worried About Q1 2012 Earnings?
Yandex, Russia’s leading search engine, recently disclosed its Q1 2012 financial results. Results exceeded analyst expectations, with revenues up 51 percent to $200.3 million, and net income up 53 percent to $43 million. Surely, such figures would make most company executives jump up and down, however, digging into the figures makes one question whether this […]
European Internet Usage Overview: Takeaways From Recent comScore Press Release
Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending the International Search Summit in Munich. One of the sessions was held by Managing Director of Yandex Europe, Bernard Lukey, who provided insights into the online Russian marketplace and, needless to say, Yandex. One slide after the other indicated that online has really started to pick […]
Yandex Launches Search Refiners To Improve The User Experience
In a press release earlier today, Yandex announced that it now offers search refiners, helping users to instantly find the results they are looking for as they type in a query. This is a response to unspecified queries, which currently represent about 20 percent of all searches on the Russian search engine, Yandex explains. The […]