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Should Yandex Be Thrilled Or Worried About Q1 2012 Earnings?

Yandex, Russia’s leading search engine, recently disclosed its Q1 2012 financial results. Results exceeded analyst expectations, with revenues up 51 percent to $200.3 million, and net income up 53 percent to $43 million. Surely, such figures would make most company executives jump up and down, however, digging into the figures

Facebook’s Recent Filing Raises Questions About Its Expected $100 Billion Valuation Mark

In an article published this week, Diane Mermigas stated that “Facebook’s developing social search framework will be a catalyst for redefining and monetizing mobile, unleashing a torrent of new revenue and value that eventually will make its $100 billion IPO valuation look like child’s play.” Mermigas argues that Facebook’s endless

Is There A Disproportionate Mobile Ad Spend In The U.S.?

It’s no secret that mobile internet usage and ad spend are rapidly gaining on PCs, nor is the fact that digital overall is eating into traditional media’s share of the total ad market, with 2012 being the year where online ad spend in the U.S. is set to exceed that

Global Ecommerce Statistics: How Avid Are Chinese Online Shoppers?

With more than 513 million internet users, according to the 29th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China by the CNNIC, China is by far the world’s largest online market. Although already being the undisputed global champion in terms of number of netizens, China’s online population just keeps growing due

European Internet Usage Overview: Takeaways From Recent comScore Press Release

Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending the International Search Summit in Munich. One of the sessions was held by Managing Director of Yandex Europe, Bernard Lukey, who provided insights into the online Russian marketplace and, needless to say, Yandex. One slide after the other indicated that online

Five Important Findings From 2012 Social Media Marketing Report

Social Media Examiner recently released its 4th annual Social Media Marketing Report. The 42-page report sets out to uncover the “who, what, where, when and why” of social media marketing based on more than 3,800 responses from marketers across different markets (an overwhelming majority of respondents are based in the