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Kirstie Cartledge

Kirstie is the Head of Events and Marketing at Webcertain. With over ten years of experience in the industry, and a passion for curating and delivering outstanding events, she is responsible for the delivery of the International Search Summit and International Social Summit. These international conferences run across Europe and the US, and are dedicated entirely to international search marketing topics and challenges. Kirstie is a highly creative individual who is always striving to exceed expectations and help attendees leave Webcertain events with the answers they need to drive online global performance. She is now based back in the UK, after working in a variety of countries across the globe.

How to run a successful virtual event

There is no denying that the popularity of virtual events has soared during the pandemic, with some platforms reporting increases of over 1,000%! Indeed, last year, circumstances meant that I had to jump onto the virtual event bandwagon myself, making … Read More
