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International Search Summit Barcelona 2021 round-up!

Running events can be challenging at the best of times, but throw the uncertainty of a global pandemic into the mix (and all it brings), and you really have your work cut out!

Will we sell tickets? Will people travel? Will events feel like they used to? Is it worth the risk?

Having held the International Search Summit in Barcelona (our first in-person event in over two years) recently, we are pleased to say the answer to those questions is yes!

Despite the restrictions in place, the energy from registration right through to the last sip of cava at the post-event drinks reception was phenomenal. People were genuinely happy to be back at events, and watching them network, connect and learn was very special. Not to mention the speakers who were delighted to be presenting to a sea of faces, not just a screen!

Featuring multiple tracks, the packed agenda was made up of 17 expert speakers who delivered the following sessions on a wide range of international digital marketing topics:

  • Managing knowledge panels on Google for global brands
  • Top international SEO challenges in 2021
  • Leveraging online platforms to grow globally
  • Saying “yes” to international projects
  • Boost keyword research via search intent classification
  • How to rank for more keywords
  • How not to fail at international business expansion
  • The future of remote marketing
  • Building effective international Google Ads campaigns
  • Why Pinterest is your biggest missed search opportunity
  • Multilingual strategy case study
  • How Moschino grew international SEO visibility by +38%
  • How to run international link building campaigns
  • Questions for search success: Why, who and how?
  • How to create a success story with a limited budget
  • Multichannel marketing for international campaigns
  • Why hreflang is not as simple as it should be

The speakers shared their expertise, tips, tactics, and some case studies for good measure. Each session featured a live Q&A, allowing attendees to ask the questions that matter to them and leave with answers to supercharge their international campaigns.

The dedicated networking breaks allowed these conversations to continue, and every break quickly became a hive of knowledge exchange, tip sharing and new connections. All whilst enjoying fantastic views of the port of Barcelona and delicious Spanish delicacies and drinks!

We would be lying if we claimed the planning was a breeze; it certainly came with its challenges (and a few sleepless nights), but it was all so worth it.

Recordings of all the sessions were made and are now available on our Self-learning platform. So, if you were torn between tracks or not able to join us in Barcelona, you can catch up on all the content here.

Plans are already well underway for next year’s International Search Summit conferences, and we will be releasing more details soon. If you would like to be the first to hear all the updates, sign up to our International Search Summit mailing list here!

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Kirstie Cartledge

Head of Events and Marketing at Webcertain
Kirstie is the Head of Events and Marketing at Webcertain. With over ten years of experience in the industry, and a passion for curating and delivering outstanding events, she is responsible for the delivery of the International Search Summit and International Social Summit. These international conferences run across Europe and the US, and are dedicated entirely to international search marketing topics and challenges. Kirstie is a highly creative individual who is always striving to exceed expectations and help attendees leave Webcertain events with the answers they need to drive online global performance. She is now based back in the UK, after working in a variety of countries across the globe.

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