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Nikita Ovcinnikovs

Born in Latvia, Russian-descended Nikita has lived in multiple countries across the world from Denmark to Canada, and graduated with an International Business Management degree from the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, the UK. He joined Webcertain in 2016 and is currently responsible for leading a team within Webcertain that delivers high-quality digital linguistic research and optimisation projects. Nikita is passionate about all things tech, marketing and innovation that drive the world forward. On occasion, Nikita likes to dedicate his free time to sharing his knowledge on the latest industry trends within digital marketing.

Should emojis be used in business?

With emojis becoming a new way to communicate, you should at least take into consideration the idea of using them in your marketing campaigns, as so many international businesses have already done. Having said this, you need to do it … Read More


How To Localise A Chatbot

Chatbots are getting more and more popular, and indeed this trend is due to continue. How many times, whilst browsing on a website, have you seen from the corner of your eye a little square emerging, usually with a question … Read More
