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Digital marketing in Europe in 2024

If you are an international digital marketer with experience targeting the European market, then you will know that you cannot treat “Europe” as one singular entity. As well as the obvious differences in language between countries, there are also variations … Read More

3 tips for digital marketing in Germany

Germany is an attractive prospect to many businesses looking to expand internationally, and there are several reasons why. The first reason is its size: it is a relatively large country, with a sizeable population, which means there will likely be … Read More

Are you ready for Google consent mode?

Google recently introduced a new feature called consent mode, designed to enhance user privacy and improve the way online consent is managed. In light of this, it is crucial to be proactive in addressing these changes and ensuring compliance by … Read More

3 tips for digital marketing in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is an attractive prospect to many businesses looking to expand internationally, and there are several reasons why. The first reason is its digital maturity. As of November 2022, the Netherlands has a population of 17.2 million people. Of … Read More

3 tips for digital marketing in Italy

This blog post was updated on 7 February 2023. The Italian market is wealthy and digitally mature, making it very attractive to businesses wanting to expand internationally. But, if you decide that you want your business to enter Italy, how … Read More

Christmas traditions around the world

Hi, I’m Wilbur. I’ve noticed that everyone’s been getting really excited about one thing lately: Christmas! We don’t have Christmas back in Monstonia, so I’ve asked my friends here at Webcertain what it’s all about, and it seems that different … Read More
