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Google Search Is Going Social

Google has once again implemented a new search criteria, adding social networks such as Twitter and Facebook to SERPs.

The updated  functionality will be rolled across the English language search engines when a user is logged in his or her Google mail account.
This is not a new feature for Google Search but an update of what was developed in 2009. Back then, social networks links only appeared at the bottom of the SERP but they will from now on be included in the organic result according to their relevancy.

So what are those key social networks to start having a proper link marketing strategy with?

Google explained in its blog that ”natural search results are not just about factual information but also about relationships, so if a search result is relevant to your social connections, we’ll bump up that post with a note and a picture. We’ve written algorithms designed to surface social results when relevant to your search.”

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Christophe Bernigaud

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