The Saudi-based Dar Al Riyadh Holding Group has launched a new beta version English-speaking search engine built by Tajseed Solutions.
New english-speaking Arabic search engine launched in beta
Deepy has a look of Microsoft (that search button…?) and the now standard Google format. However, it has a very neat spelling feature which corrects you as you type.
This may seem innocuous enough – but if English is not your mother tongue and the world’s information is largely recorded in English and only findable by searching in that language – you’d appreciate some help with your spelling wouldn’t you?
A report carried out in 2004 by Web Certain suggested that Arabic speakers, amongst other non-English mother-tongue speakers, found searching in English less than easy. Deepy may just have come up with a solution which may well be copied by others. Now that would be a good idea if search engines added accent correction to their none-English sites!
Reported by Abondance

Andy Atkins-Kruger

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