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SEMPO Scandinavia WG – First launch event in Stockholm

SEMPO’s overall efforts this year is to focus on three main objectives: launching and expanding a search marketing training program, expanding SEMPO’s global presence, and continuing to build on its industry-leading research.
For SEMPO, global expansion starts with individual members forming a Working Group in a given country or region. In 2005, there were geo-specific working groups in the UK, Japan, Europe and Asia. Last year, four more groups were formed, representing Latino countries, Canada, India, Spain and Scandinavia.
SEMPO Scandinavia WG consists of key search experts in the Scandinavian region with representation from Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland. The focus is to increase awareness around SEMPO and search and be the organ to help educate around search marketing in the overall media perspective.

SEMPO Scandinavian group is launching its official presence through a first (of many to come) breakfast event the 12th of June in Stockholm where the search engines; MSN, Yahoo!, Sesam and Eniro will meet up with marketing managers and present their view on search marketing in the media perspective and then open up for a debate with the audience. Google wont be joining in this time as they have a new marketing manager and as you all know… Johan Kinnander left a few weeks ago.

(The event is free but there are limited seats so everyone who attends needs to RSVP.)

To read more about the group or request to join SEMPO or the working group go to:

As it happends I also happend to be the chair of the group 🙂

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2 Responses to SEMPO Scandinavia WG – First launch event in Stockholm

  1. business process outsourcing says:

    Great news and broad search on social media marketing. I think many people like to do this social media marketing. Developed countries like US, Canada, Uk people are trying to use the benefits of this business.

  2. Barbara Coll says:

    Fabulous to see SEMPO expand into the important, fast-growing regions of the world. The original objective for SEMPO was to spread the word about the value of search engine marketing worldwide. I love to see more of the original directive fulfilled. Congratulations.

    Barbara Coll
    Co-founder and Former Chairperson and President
    CEO, WebMama.com Inc.

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