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3 things that prove Seznam is important in the Czech Republic

This blog post was updated on 25 September 2023.

When most people hear the phrase “search engine”, they automatically think of Google.

But Google is not the only search engine out there, and in the Czech Republic there is a popular alternative: Seznam.

Here are three things about Seznam that you should know, if you are targeting the Czech Republic.

1. Search engine market shares in the Czech Republic

Unlike most other countries in the world where Google reigns supreme, the Czech Republic has a unique search engine landscape where Google shares the stage with a homegrown competitor: Seznam. Whilst Google is the most popular search engine in the Czech Republic, with a market share of 80%, Seznam comes in second place with a very respectable 15%. So, why is Seznam still doing so well in the Czech Republic, when Google has all but flattened the competition in most other countries? Well, Seznam is tailored to the Czech people, the Czech market and the Czech language. On the homepage, everything is in Czech, and the search engine uses its knowledge of the country and the people to provide the most accurate results for a Czech audience.

2. Seznam vs. Google for Czech language searches

The Czech language is very complex, with diacritical marks over the characters that either prolong the pronunciation of vowels or soften the consonant. There are many words in Czech where the usage of diacritical marks alters the meaning of a word. When comparing the search results given by Seznam and the Czech version of Google, Seznam often understands the Czech language much better and provides more relevant search results.

3. Advertising on Seznam

Seznam offers a paid advertising solution called Seznam Sklik. Seznam has more options when it comes to the position of the ads, and it displays more ads per page than Google does. If you want to do digital advertising the Czech Republic, you may want to consider both Google and Seznam for an optimal approach.

Want to learn more?

These three facts have hopefully highlighted to you why Seznam is an important search engine to consider if you are targeting the Czech Republic. For more in-depth information, download our guide to digital marketing in the Czech Republic.

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Ivana Kanuscakova

Linguistic Assistant at Webcertain
Ivana is a Linguistic Assistant at Webcertain. After gaining a strong linguistic background while studying for a ‘Specialisation in Education: English language in the Czech Republic’, she decided to move to the UK to broaden her knowledge. She has gained experience in translation and interpreting since, and has been discovering the world of digital marketing. Ivana in originally from the Czech Republic.

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