We all have been to some sort of training – be it a language course, evening classes for adults or a workshop. What we gained from the time spent there was more or less useful knowledge as well as additional names to add to our contacts books.
However, when it comes to business training, especially in the ever-changing area of international marketing, it’s important that the quality of the courses keeping employees away from the normal responsibilities is of the highest standard and the training will pay off in the future.
Based on our own experience of running training courses in Barcelona and Las Vegas, we have put together the following list of tips on how to make your international courses a success or what to consider when choosing where and how to train your team.
1. Choose a Great Location
Almost as important as the quality of the training content and the presentation skills of the person delivering the training is the location of the training itself.
Why? Because certain places provide a much more inspiring and positive environment for learning and networking than others.
We like to isolate our trainees from their workplace and put them in an international atmosphere in great locations. Our experience taught us that the best way to train people is when you keep them as far away as possible from their daily jobs, their colleagues, telephones and emails. This way, their attention span is much higher and provides undisturbed environment for absorption of new knowledge. In addition, holding training in a location which is unfamiliar to all attendees helps them to connect through sharing a new experience.
Of course, it’s not only the city but also the training venue that matter and choosing a quality, comfortable venue with great facilities will add to the experience and enjoyment of your delegates.
After all if you’re teaching international content, what more inspiring place could you choose than a foreign destination or a place full of people from around the world!
2. Plan the Training Room Style
We learnt that the most effective way of learning is to hold training in small rooms with up to 15 attendees to make sure that everyone has a chance to participate in discussions and make the most of the time spent at the training.
Rather than making the attendees feel like they are back at school, we choose an informal layout of the room, all around a meeting table which allows for flawless conversation between the attendees.
In addition, we try to choose rooms with a great view – while listening to the presenter your training attendees could observe a spectacular Las Vegas Strip or absorb the view of beautiful sunshine flooding Barcelona’s streets.
3. Work Hard on Training Content & Choose the Right Tutors
The more time spent preparing the training content the bigger the reward!
Carefully prepared materials and exercises ensure that, in the time given, attendees gain the maximum amount of practical knowledge and stay focused throughout this process. PowerPoint presentations can only maintain attendees’ attention for a short period of time.
That’s why courses should be packed with practical exercises, quizzes and discussion points which engage the audience in a much more stimulating way than dry facts and numbers. Brain engaging tasks also often prove to be a funny, creative and team building way of exchanging knowledge and learning new things.
International business is a lot about the ability to communicate effectively with your target audience. Therefore having presenters from variety of countries and environments, speaking different languages and understanding different markets is a big advantage in international training.
4. Think About Logistics
When delegates are traveling from various worldwide locations you need to ensure easy and fairly cheap access to the training facilities.
Choosing locations which are close to international airports and have a selection of hotels will make it easier for delegates to get budgets approved and to plan their event.
Selecting a place where local people know a common language like English also helps to ease the process of moving around the city and ordering something for dinner which they actually like!
5. Breaks
Keeping course attendees highly engaged, by taking regular breaks, gives them the chance to digest the information given. Serving plenty of fresh coffee also helps too – especially when the subject is as technical as Yandex PPC!
It’s also important to encourage your attendees to utilise the breaks to make the most of their surroundings and experience the local area. This will add to their overall experience and make them more receptive when the training starts again…and if the training is in Vegas, who knows – they might return home a millionaire!
Bonus Tip – Plan Post-Training Activities
Making sure that the training doesn’t stop with the last slide prolongs the experience even further.
Organise evening networking events – anything from a group meal to a show to some sightseeing – to give the opportunity for the delegates and trainers to continue conversations started during the day and to get to know each other better. Why not do something particular to your location – flamenco dancing in Barcelona anyone?
If well organised and structured, international training can be very productive and profitable as well as fun and engaging. Focused, interested and happy people learn much quicker and remember things much longer therefore, it’s worth considering our tips when planning your next training budget.

Justyna Wilner

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