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.asia domain name to be launched

Foxnews reports that an organisation known as “DotAsia Organization Ltd” has had its application to run domain names in asian languages under the top level domain ‘.asia’ approved by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. The domains will … Read More

Google not finding good hires in India

According to the TimesOfIndia, Google is having problems finding the right employees in India. Middle management seems to be an area Google has troubles finding suitable employees in the India area.

Live Indian films over the Internet

According to a research report published in August 2001 by Gartner’s Dataquest, the country which can expect the highest growth rates in the Asia-Pacific region was India. From 2001 to 2005, Dataquest expected India to enjoy average subscriber growth of … Read More

5% internet usage in India

Juxt Consult – an Indian research agency – has published a set of 5 reports on the Indian sub-continent – including one which shows that internet use in the sub-continent remains below 5% on average – but that’s still 22.7 … Read More
