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Mobile phones, the channel of choice for Russian marketers

Mobile Content Delivery (MCD) is a hot topic in Russia. While recent research puts the internet audience at 16% (17.6m) of the population, 52% of Russians own a mobile phone. Better still, this group has embraced mobile content at rates which put Europe to shame. It is easy to see why this medium is so attractive to those wishing to impact upon the Russian market.

This rollout of mobile technology shows no sign of slowing down. Prolific advertising campaigns by telecom giants Vimelcom have even led to their Beeline brand signing an exclusive advertising deal with Russia’s Yellow Taxi Cab Company. With widespread availability of ‘pay-as-you-go‘ contracts and ever cheaper mobile devices, the barrier to entry is being constantly lowered.

A study released this month by the ROMIR research group provides a useful analysis of this channel. The following statistics were some of the highlights of the study.

  • ¾ or 75% of mobile phone owners have used mobile content services
  • 2/3 or 67% make use of SMS
  • 1/5 or 21% download ringtones
  • 17% download pictures to their phones
  • 15% enter the internet via GPRS
  • 7% use WAP internet access
  • SMS is used by 86% of respondents aged 18-24 and by 34% of the users aged above 60
  • Men use more mobile services, except in the case of SMS, where uptake by women is 3% stronger.

Source: http://www.rmh.ru/en/news/res_results/34.html

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Nick Wilsdon

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