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Video to account for 90% of the global web

At an event focusing on online innovations, it would be impossible to not include video on the agenda. Bruce Daisley, Leader of YouTube and Display in the UK, will be at the International Search Summit on 13th May to talk about the international power of YouTube and how search marketers can transfer their skills to use video as an effective marketing tool. Here, Bruce answers a few questions about YouTube’s global appeal and his favourite innovations.

Bruce, why do you think video has become such a popular online channel over the past few years?

I read something incredible the other day – it said that 25% of the bandwidth of the web today is video. Cisco have predicted that in 2013 it will be 90%. YouTube is five years old – and it sounds like video is only going to become more important in the next three years. Brands need to understand how they will deliver authentic brand messages in a video-centric web.

YouTube is by far the most popular global video website. What is it about the website that appeals to users all over the world?

What our users tell us they love is the vast breadth of what they can find on the site. My Dad loves Bob Dylan clips, my son loves Mr Bean. Yesterday, I followed 4 YouTube links from people I follow on Twitter. This is perhaps no surprise – YouTube is the most linked to website in the world. Interestingly, a few years ago people thought that we would think of our friends in the digital age by sending an “e-card” but in truth most of us show that we are thinking of someone by sending them a clip of something that will make them smile. We love gifting clips to each other.

Why is YouTube so effective as an international channel?

Britain’s Got Talent 2009 debuted on ITV with around 8 million viewers. It featured the now world famous Susan Boyle clip. In that ensuing week the clip was seen 6 times more than the TV programme – and that reach was global. The second programme saw its audience rise massively to about 12 million viewers. A massive amount of the viewing was in the US, in Europe and around the world. It was impressive that when asked about it Simon Cowell described YouTube as “the best thing that has ever happened to us… it has brought the whole world together”. The host of the show Ant (the one who is not Dec) said he was stopped in a shop in Dubai by someone calling him “Susan Boyle boy”). YouTube makes great content globally accessible.

Should all organisations be integrating video into their online marketing strategies? Is it appropriate for all sectors and industries?

When 90% of the web is video consumers are going to expect to see things explained in video. Companies need to think about how they will fulfil that desire. Its thrilling and challenging in equal measure. In truth, nothing communicates like video so it is a powerful tool for anyone with a clear message.

What is the one piece of advice you would give marketers embarking on a YouTube campaign in multiple countries?

Keep things simple at first and experiment. What video assets do you own? Put them on the web and use the community to decide what works most effectively. Use the power of the live focus group of YouTube to help you decide your next move – and then respond to it.

This will be your first time speaking at the International Search Summit. What value do you think the event offers delegates?

It has a great reputation in the market, I am actually looking forward to sitting and listening to some of the other presentations.

The International Search Summit in May is focused on innovations; recent developments in search and social media which are changing online marketing. In your opinion, what is the most significant innovation in recent years, other than video of course?!

Facebook is just an incredible phenomenon. I also adore Twitter. For me, I can be more picky about who I follow on Twitter to give me news, jokes and inspiration. On Facebook, I do worry that I will offend someone if I un-friend them. Anyone on Twitter should follow @sexyexecutive. Whoever writes this feed is a genius – the challenge for them is that the writing is amazing but I cannot see it working anywhere else. It is like when you hear about the Japanese phenomenon of user-generated mobile-phone-based novels. He makes me laugh every single day – which is a delight that I would pay money for.

To hear Bruce speak on international YouTube marketing, register now for the International Search Summit on 13 May. Early Bird Tickets are still available.

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Gemma Houghton

Director of Marketing at Webcertain
Gemma has worked in international search marketing for over 15 years and is Director of Marketing at Webcertain, overseeing all marketing activities for the Group. She also organises and programmes Webcertain’s International Search Summit and International Social Summit, Barcelona-based conferences focusing on international and multilingual digital marketing. Gemma holds a Professional Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Diploma in Management and Leadership from the Chartered Management Institute, and a BA joint honours degree in French and German.

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